Beautiful work here. There is a very eerie but inspiring tone within the painting. Simply incredible. The clouds are dark, but not black allowing for light, and there is a subtle yet important waterfall in the back. The waterfall represents to me that there is beauty out there, one must look past what is generally in front of them. In fact, at quick glance of this panting someone might think "oh it's a dark painting. I am in a bubbly mood" and skip it. However, if they stay to admire the characteristics put into such a drawing, they will realize that this is more beautiful than they could have ever imagined. This painting shows how beautiful something can be if you take the time to understand it. People who takes things for what they are will never understand those things. Thank you for this beautiful picture. I hope you do not mind that I download it to look back upon it on the dark days that I have in the future.