Well done on this animation! 5 Stars for:
Smooth, smooth transitions between frames.
Water-like effects on the creatures bodies and water droplets.
Use of bright colors while displaying a happy creature.
The 'documentary' voice used in the production to make it feel realistic.
Many others, though I'd rather not write an essay.
These were all really well done. Good job. Now here comes the criticism.
I'm not sure what or where Brackenwood is. Perhaps a quick eagle's view of the place/world before the opening scene begins would give me a better feel for what to expect.
How do fatsacks play in with the rest of the world? Are they easy prey (obviously), or do they have this extraordinary defense mechanism to fend off predators? Clearly they are playful critters, but how is it that so many of them have survived for this long?
Those are just a couple of things. Again, really nice job!
Bye bye!