Cool man really cool. You've played a lot of shit.
Cool man really cool. You've played a lot of shit.
The 3D animation was astounding. Normally I am used to 2D, but 3D! WHAT! So sick and the combo moves were legit. Good job.
Dude this is freaken tight.
This story is massive. This story is awesome. Both voice and character acting are awesome. You could totally write a wicked script. Good job.
Cool thinking.
Legendary fight scenes. You took it to the next level. These characters didn't just fight on the main land. No. They fought on planes and were thrown against walls and the final kill was absolutely realistic (besides mario being omega). Nobody could survive a fall from that height unless obviously you use sonic for padding, which makes me think that sonic is a hedgehog and mario should be impaled, but then again mario did land on sonic's stomach. Well done. 5 stars. I'd love to see more action events.
You nailed the samurai jack feel.. now for the storyline?
Joined on 9/3/13